PT VADS Indonesia is an international standard Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company that provides telecommunications technology (ICT) network infrastructure solutions. This company opens internship vacancies with the following needs:

1. Curiculum Vitae
2. Integrity Pact Letter
3. Cover letter
4. Scan KTM
5. The latest Study Result Card

Qualification :
1. Active student of Informatics and Information Technology study program at Telkom University at least Semester 7
2. Willing to be placed in Jakarta
3. Committed to carry out an internship for 6 months

All required files in the form of ”.pdf” are collected in the form of ”zip/rar” and named with the following templates : VADS_2021_NIM_Nama Lengkap

Send via email to :
Subject email: VADS_2021_Nama Lengkap

Immediately register now. Who knows you will be the chosen one!

For more information, please contact
BPULPS – 0822-1912-5333 (WA only)