Kampus Mengajar is a teaching and learning activity in schools from the Independent Campus Policy. Equipping students to master various sciences and expertise by being a partner of teachers and schools in fostering creativity and innovation in learning so that it has an impact on strengthening literacy and numeracy learning in schools. The following is the timeline for the Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 4 in 2022:
Waktu | Kegiatan |
25 Mei - 12 Juni 2022 | Pendaftaran |
26 Mei - 30 Juni 2022 | Seleksi |
5 Juli 2022 | Pengumuman |
8 - 27 Juli 2022 | Koordinasi dengan Dinas dan Sekolah |
11 - 27 Juli 2022 | Pembekalan |
28 Juli 2022 | Pelepasan Mahasiswa |
1 Agustus - 2 Desember 2022 | Penugasan |
5 Desember 2022 | Penarikan Mahasiswa |
Why Should Students Join Kampus Mengajar?
- Opportunity to become an7i agent of change for education in Indonesia.
- Becoming a teacher partner to innovate in learning, pdeveloping creative, innovative, and fun literacy and numeracy learning strategies and models, and assisting the development of technological adaptation.
- Develop competence according to passion and talent.
- Sharpening hard skills such as interacting with various stakeholders, implementing programs to improve students’ numeracy literacy.
- Sharpening soft skills such as leadership and social empathy: critical thinking, problem solving, group management, leadership, innovation and creativity, and communication.
- Assistance with living expenses and tuition fees
- Get recognition of learning outcomes of 20 credits
Funding Components:
- Living Cost Assistance
- IDR 1,200,000,-/ month
- Given for an assignment period of 5 months with 2 terms of disbursement
- First term: for the first 2 months and given at the beginning of the assignment
- Second term: for the next 3 months given in the middle of the assignment
- Given directly to students through personal accounts
- Required documents: student integrity pact, SPTJM (Statement of Absolute Responsibility) and excel attachments, recommendation letters from universities
- Tuition Fee Help
- Given if you don’t get a scholarship from other programs at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology
- A maximum of IDR 2,400,000,-
- Paid directly to the College through the College account uploaded by the College Coordinator
- Required documents: SPTJM and excel attachments, as well as a contract between Dikti and Tertiary Education Institutions
- Emergency Fund (Force Majeure)
- Force majeure covers illness (including if exposed to Covid-19), accidents, and death return funds for participants
- The College Coordinator makes an official report with the specified format and sends proof of expenditure for the costs that have been incurred
- Swab Antigen/PCR
- Paid a maximum of IDR 275,000 at cost according to the receipt
- Required documents: original receipt & test results according to the participant’s name
Student Requirements:
- Active students from undergraduate and vocational D3/D4 study programs at State Universities (PTN) and Private Universities (PTS) under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture
- Minimum is in semester 4 (four) in the academic year 2022/2023
- Never been accepted in Pioneer Teaching Campus, Class 1, 2, and 3 Kampus Mengajar
- Minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00 scale
- Accredited study program
Student Requirements Documents:
- Mandatory documents (using the format provided by the Teaching Campus):
- Letter of Recommendation from Higher Education Leader*
- Integrity Pact Letter*
- Parental Permission*
- Certificate of health
*Must use the format provided in the following link: https://bit.ly/dokumenpersyaratanKM4telu
- Supporting documents (if any):
- Certificate of Teaching/Organization Experience
- Certificate of Achievement
Roles and Duties of Students:
- Assisting teachers in the implementation of face-to-face learning at school and distance learning, especially in literacy and numeracy learning
- Helping teachers adapt to technology in the learning process
- Assisting teachers and principals in terms of fulfilling school administration related to the program, such as Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), teaching aids, administration of school relations with the community, etc.)
- Conducting socialization of Kemendikbud Ristek learning products (independent curriculum, literacy and numeracy learning modules, Pancasila Student Profile, Class AKM, and PMM)
- Become an educational ambassador for behavior change during a pandemic
- Providing inspiration about the progress of science and technology to schools, as well as motivating students to remain enthusiastic in pursuing education up to college
Violations committed by students on the provisions imposed on the Teaching Campus Program may be subject to sanctions in the form of:
- Reprimand
- Delayed payment of living expenses, or funds
other - Dismissal as a program participant
- Blocking to take part in the next Kampus Mengajar Program
- Refund
For registration and further information please visit the following site: https://kampusmerdeka.kemdikbud.go.id/program/mengajar